
Westchester County Launches Connect Westchester

Westchester Connect

Westchester County Launches Connect Westchester

While it seems common that all households have multiple forms of technology, there are many homes that actually don’t have access to digital resources and the internet. During a recent press conference, Bridget Gibbons, director of Economic Development, noted how this is impacting Westchester. She noted, approximately 4,500 Westchester residents don’t have a computer. Additionally, approximately 7,500 residents do not have Internet access in their homes.

Known as the digital divide, this can greatly impact how information reaches certain homes. As a way to connect the digital divide, Westchester County’s Office of Economic Development recently launched Connect Westchester. Through this program, they will be providing training, digital resources, education and affordable internet access to low-income residents. Additionally, this will help to support people by training them to use the internet thus providing accessible access.

The program features partnerships with the STEM Alliance, The Westchester County Association, and the Westchester Library System. County Executive George Latimer noted “Connect Westchester is a continuation of our efforts to level the playing field and increase equity for all.”

The Westchester County Association highlighted the importance of internet access for businesses. This was piloted through a program in Yonkers called the Y Zone. This morphed into a wider program to serve all of Westchester County. The Westchester Library System has always been the go-to place for those without access to the internet as they bridge a holistic approach to grow the boundless potential.

The STEM Alliance Partnership

As a part of the program, the STEM Alliance, a Westchester County nonprofit dedicated to advancing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and digital equity, will be on the ground to help people get connected. Connect Westchester is a digital navigator program where staff members will help the community assess their needs. This includes helping residents with computer skills via tech education cohorts. This includes 15 hours of education that includes all Google services, calendar, and Zoom. After completing the course, clients receive Chrome books. For internet access, eligible families will receive a $30 discount on online services. Digital navigators will be at key locations throughout Westchester to help people sign up. This includes job fairs, local partnerships, the Westchester Library system, and more.

Connect Westchester Benefits

This program will allow everyone to be able to use online resources. This includes online bill paying, job applications, access school portals, tele-health programs, and much more. Sparked from challenges during COVID, it was clear that there was a divide such as when students were required to be online. Many were attempting to do homework on their phones or simply didn’t have access to the internet. Through this program, Westchester County’s Office of Economic Development is hopeful that this will address this massive digital divide.

To access these services and receive training, members of the community can visit getinternet.gov, email connectwestchester@wlsmail.org​ or call: 914-674-4186.