School is starting and yes we all want our kiddos to eat healthy during the school day. We know it’s best for their physical and mental health. Sending a lunch box is a good way to offer healthy foods. We also know that we are all overextended, plus tired and groggy at 7 a.m. Let’s get a realistic take on the lunch box — let’s even get a wee bit lazy.
Prep: Get the kids involved. Don’t fall victim to thinking doing it all yourself makes things easier. After dinner get the kids to make creative leftover lunch box choices.
Let them wrap up chicken slices in a small size pita spread with mayo, hummus or guacamole. They can cut left over veggie pizza into small pieces and put them in a plastic container. Some kids love cold pizza! They can even make their own PB&J (or any version of it).
Go Mini: To make it friendly. Either purchase mini containers of yogurt, guacamole, hummus, salsa and seed butters or use small fun containers to create your own. Add veggie sticks (carrot, cucumber etc.) or slices of cheese or meat.
You can also opt to have the kids pack lunch in a small bento box. it’s even more fun to see what can fit in each section. Put in a few slices of meat or a wedge of cheese, some whole-wheat crackers, and add small fruit — grapes, a clementine, cut up pineapple — and voila!
Snack Right: Beware Sugar Rush. Kids love something a little sweet, but don’t overdo it. A little goes a long way to keeping their blood sugar stable for the afternoon. Choose snacks low in sugar like trail mix, popcorn, or veggie sticks. It’s fine to throw in a cookie — but just send one or two small ones no need for an entire bag.