
Out & About (Feb. 2012)

Taste of Westchester

Cerebral Palsy of Westchester (CPW) held A Taste of Westchester; A Food and Wine Tasting extravaganza at the Renaissance Westchester Hotel in White Plains. The event featured more than a dozen of the area’s finest restaurants and top chefs noted for their international cuisine. All proceeds from this event went towards the William “Bill” Hallenbeck Pavilion that houses CPW’s summer camp. 1186, King St., Rye Brook. 937-3800. www.cpwestchester.org.

Go Westchester Children’s Museum!

Oh happy day! The Westchester Children’s Museum (WCM) recently celebrated the nonprofit’s recent win in obtaining it’s Rye Playland North Bathhouse home at The Atrium in White Plains. This long-awaited approval means Westchester will soon have a dedicated children’s museum! Many loyal supporters, including the staff of Westchester Family, executives from the firm Luckey Climbers, the museum play structure designers and numerous public officials who support the museum attended the celebration.


Room to Read

Many Westchester residents attended the recent Rally for Reading luncheon and silent auction. Erin Ganju, CEO and Co-founder of Room to Read and Julie Orringer, award-winning author of The Invisible Bridge, spoke at the event.  Room to Read is a global organization transforming the lives of millions of children in the developing world by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Volunteer meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month.  www.roomtoread.org/westchester.