
Social Media & Celebrations

Social media etiquette has become a hot topic over recent years, and rules at celebrations, such as bar mitzvahs and weddings, have had to adjust to keep up with modern times.

As hosts begin to plan their celebrations, they may be wondering if they can provide direction for their guests regarding proper social media etiquette during the celebration, and the answer is yes, and no. It may not be well-received to ask guests not to post or share to their social media accounts entirely, even though you may have good reasons, but today’s society is programmed to constantly keep a finger on the pulse of social media; guests may want to share the special moments of the event or to post pictures of them looking glamorous at your momentous occasions.

There are some basic guidelines that many can agree are appropriate to share.

Do: If you have a custom hashtag for your celebration, feel free to share with your guests. That way, when guests post pictures with your hashtag, it will track the event. All the photos will be easier to see on Instagram and other social media platforms.

You can also create signs that showcase your specialized hashtag, and display them around the venue. This ensures guests are aware of the hashtag and encouraged to post using that hashtag.

Don’t: As a guest to an important event, it’s courteous not to have your phone out during the ceremony, and to not interfere with the photographer or videographer trying to capture the event for the hosts. This is perhaps the most important time to turn unplug and enjoy the celebration!

Do: When sharing photos in real time, share photos that you think the hosts would be comfortable sharing in an online album. For example, it’s not a good idea to post a picture of a bride and groom the exact moment they are cutting their wedding cake. Savor the moment and let the hosts enjoy this special time. You can always post a picture later in the evening, or in the next few days after you’ve sorted through the ones you’ve taken. You can also post once the hosts have posted their own photos of these key moments.

Don’t: Share photos that are unflattering. Take a moment to sift through your pictures to ensure the hosts are portrayed in their best light. If you have any doubts about the pictures you have, you can always show them to your hosts before posting.

Do: As a host, when you look through the social media images after the event, it’s always smart etiquette to “Like” the pictures your guests posted, or to post a favorable comment and thank them for joining in your special day, and posting the image.

Shannon Connolly, Banquet Manager at Castle Hotel & Spa in Tarrytown, NY.